Jacee Chalise

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Giving Thanks!

Since Thanksgiving is just two days away, I decided to make a list of the things that I am thankful for. These are not in any particular order.
I am thankful for:
1. My family
2. My husband (he has been such a blessing to me, he knows how to cheer me up when I am feeling bad and he can sense when something is wrong.)
3. My girls (even though some days they cause me tons of stress, I still love them very much and wouldn't give them up for anything.)
4. Living in this day and age ( I don't think I would of lasted very long as a pioneer and microwave dinners and meals in a box without these we would starve.)
5. For doctors, nurses, and modern medicine. ( I am grateful to have the technology to be able to find cures and knowledge to make things better.)
6. My home (Its not much but it nice to have a comfortable place to live.)
7. The gospel ( We have received many blessing and miracles this year.)
8. Jake's good job ( I know sometimes he doesn't like it, but he is always good to go and put the hours in and support his family.)
9. My extended family ( They have helped us so much through this difficult time in our lives, and many others. )
10. Friends (who always ask how they can help us)
11. Allie's Teacher ( who has been so patience with our chatterbox.)
12. Caitlin's strength and bravery ( She is so brave I am so proud of her, she has endured things that make most adults cry and whine.)
13. and many other things!!!!
I encourage everyone to remember the things in life that you are thankful for, and thank our Heavenly Father for all that he has given us.
Don't take for granted the little things, like the quote from the movie Hitch. Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.


Laura said...

Thanks for the reminder that we need to be aware of our many blessings. You are such an example of strength! My prayers are with you always!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it unfortunately takes the bad things to see all the good. But you are watched, and blessed, and things always work out. Happy Thanksgiving!!

Unknown said...

So many blessings for sure! I love that quote you took from Hitch. It's so true! And I have been so amazed and impressed with how much you have grown and all that you have learned. We definitely need to find the roses among the thorns.
Love you guys!