Jacee Chalise

Monday, February 23, 2009

Chemo Treatment

Well we finally made it down to Primary Children's for our next chemo treatment. We were suppose to go down on Tuesday, but since the flu and RSV is going around they didn't have any open rooms. But we were able to go down on Thursday, also we were able to get our other appointments taken care of which was nice. We went to see the eye doctor, which said that Caitlin's eyes are looking a lot better, she doesn't seem to be crossing them anymore, so we don't have to put on an eye patch every day for an hour anymore. Then we went to the Ear, Nose, and Throat Doctor to check if Caitlin needed tubes in her ears, and again more good news. She just needed the wax cleaned out of her ears. Then we went back upstairs to start chemo, this time was a little rougher for Caitlin since she was really constipated. But we have medicine to help with that and hopefully her diaper rash will clear up soon too.
On Friday we had the Radiation techs come talk to us, since she will be starting radiation treatment about mid March. This hit me hard because its has some pretty bad side effects, most of them are long term not short term ones. The side effects are a learning disability, and it may cause her to be sterile. I just hate that she has to go through this now, and then have to deal with side effects 25 years later. But we later find out that she will only get radiation on the spot where the tumor was, instead of the whole brain and spine. Which will hopefully limit the side effects. Usually they try not to treat kids under 3 years old, and Caitlin will barely be turning 2 on April 2nd. This is the treatment that they have found works the best, so that's what we will be doing. I just hope and pray that radiation treatment will do more good than harm to her little growing body. Unfortunately she will probably have a treatment on her birthday. But we will try to make it a fun day for her anyway.
Anyway we will just keep on trucking, thanks for all the warm thoughts and support. You have helped our family greatly.


Unknown said...

That is great news about her radiation treatment just focusing on the where the tumor was and Caitlin not having the whole brain or spinal radiation. I didn't get that part anyway why she would need that. I personally believe it's called prayers being answered! It's wonderful!! Great news about her eyes and ears! What amazing blessings you are recieving. I have no doubt that she is going to be just fine! There are hundreds of people praying for her....even thousands since I have her name on the Temple prayer lists. She has so many peopel who love her and are rooting for her. God loves her and He will bless you and your family. He will not leave alone in this. And I KNOW that Caitlin is going to be a wonderful mother some day. And she is already really smart!

Connie~ said...

We are praying for little Caitlin so hard and for all of her family. It does sounds like there has been some good news. Wonderful blessings!
Connie Pitcher

kaTie said...

YEAH!!!! I'm sooo glad to hear that news! You know this is not coincidence - these are prayers being answered! My family always keeps you and your wonderful family in our prayers... again, if there is ANYTHING you need - please don't hesitate to ask.

Heidi said...

What great news! Caitlin is such a beautiful little girl and has such a loving family. You are such a strong mommy. So great to see prayers being answered! We will continue to pray for you and your family.

Unknown said...

Erin, on my blog where I have my family and friends, there is one called Miracles for Madalyn. This is a blog about a little girl about the same age as Caitlin and in just about the same situation as Caitlin. I thought you might be interested in reading her story. You may even know her from the hospital. Sometimes it's helpful to hear what other people are going through and getting support through that.

T&T said...

Hello. You don't know me but I saw a comment that you left on my neices (madalyn) blog. I am so sorry to hear that you are going through the same things that my sister and her family had to face just recently. Hearing your fears and concerns reminded me exactly of what they just faced. On a good note, Madalyn just finished her radiation and is doing great! I too have 2 daughters. I will pray for you and your sweet little Caitlin.