Jacee Chalise

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Double Tagged!

So my sister in law tagged me again. So here it is, I haven't figured out how to post link to my blog yet. I am suppose to give 7 fun and weird facts about me that others don't know about me.
1. I write with my right hand but I cut with my left hand.
2. My husband calls me Monica (from Friends) since I have to have my house clean before I can go to bed.
3. I can play piano and the flute.
4. I have a awful singing voice.
5. Some days I wish I would of waited a little bit longer to start having kids.
6. I eat tons of food, but thanks to good genes I don't gain much weight.
7. Something always embarrassing always happens to me on my Birthday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jake calls you Monica? What a silly boy. You guys are cute!